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Broadford And Strath Community Company

Broadford And Strath Community Company Logo

Charity representing the communities of Broadford and Strath, Isle of Skye. We are involved in many projects to improve local amenities, support health and well-being, enhance the environment and support learning. Our mission is to create a strong, self-sufficient, inclusive and eco-friendly community and make Broadford and Strath a desirable place to Iive, work and visit for current and future generations.

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This is a Claimed organisation

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Men's Shed

This is a Claimed service

At the Broadford and Strath Men’s Shed everyone’s welcome for a catch up and cup of tea whilst learning and sharing skills. Our members get stuck in to a wide variety of activities, from garden benches to ...

The Growers Hub

This is a Claimed service

Providing hands-on growing opportunities for all: We promote health and well-being through community allotments, horticultural therapy and outdoor learning. Our Flourish Together Horticultural Therapy grou...

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