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Carers Link East Dunbartonshire

Carers Link we work with carers who live in East Dunbartonshire or care for someone in the area.

The person you care for might be living with a disability, an illness, a mental health problem or have issues around substance misuse or addiction. We know that each carer’s situation is unique and will talk things through with you – and listen to you – to ensure that we tailor support to what you need.

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Carers Assessment

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Carers are entitled to a Carers Assessment, which will become an Adult Carer Support Plan or a Young Carer Statement when the Carers (Scotland) Act comes into force in April 2018.

Our advocacy team ...

Carers Call Helpline

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  • East Dunbartonshire

Talking with others is a fundamental part of our lives, yet caring can sometimes make us feel a bit isolated. Sharing your thoughts with a trusted friend or family member can help a great deal, but there m...

Emergency Planning for Carers

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An emergency plan gives carers the opportunity to think about and document concise, relevant information on the person they care for. This information can then be used if they cannot care, in the short ter...

Health and Wellbeing Support for Carers

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Caring for someone can be very rewarding and give you a lot of happiness, but it can sometimes feel like a huge responsibility. Sometimes the sheer amount of time and energy you dedicate to caring for some...

Moving On From Caring Service

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There may come a time when your caring role reduces or ends. The person that you care for may recover sufficiently to become more independent, they may move into long term care, other people may take over...

One to One Support for Carers

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Whether you have recently become a carer or have been caring for many years, Carers Link aims to provide you with the support which best suits your individual situation and needs.

We know that caring...

Support for Short Breaks for Carers

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Carers Link is pleased to be able to provide some funding for short breaks to help carers sustain their caring role by giving them a break, reducing stress and/or improving wellbeing.

We currently h...

Young Carers Service

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The young carer service was established in 2012 as part of Carers Link, we have provided a dedicated service to young carers aged 8-16 and young adult carers aged 16-25.

Carers Link supports and enco...

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