Community Links (South Lanarkshire)
Community Links is an independent Lanarkshire-based Community Anchor organisation. Established in 2002, Community Links has a proven track record and passion for working with, encouraging and supporting communities to co-produce sustainable and meaningful involvement, participation and community-owned change.
We are a value-based organisation, and this is reflected in how we deliver our services and interact with the communities we serve. Our values are: Inclusion, Commitment, Respect, Innovation and Vibrance.
Community Links exists to engage and empower residents within South Lanarkshire to be positive contributors to local decisions within their communities, to take part in learning and development opportunities benefiting them, and the wider community and building community spirit
It is our responsibility to identify the potential of community members and create opportunities for local people to engage and deliver projects/services for the benefit of the local area, as well as providing access to training/empowerment opportunities. Our Community Development work supports and empowers communities to take ownership of being more involved in local decisions that will affect their local area, making it a better place to live and improving their quality of life.
Volunteering remains at the heart of Community Links’s work, with opportunities in our Community Development projects.
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