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Nairn Men' Shed

Nairn Men' Shed Logo

Nairn Men’s Shed is part of the wider international Men’s Shed movement which originated in Australia. The aim is to bring together older people to share experiences and skills, social interaction and fellowship. Men’s Sheds have shown that they improve social isolation for older people, mental health issues and general social integration.

Nairn Men’s Shed started some 3 years ago when we obtained a lease on the building on the South platform at Nairn Station. During that time, we refurbished the building and created a workshop and meeting place.

We meet regularly to share a cuppa, build items for other community groups and hobbies.

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Nairn Men's Shed

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Nairn Men’s Shed is part of the broader international Men’s Shed movement which originated in Australia. The aim is to bring together older people to share experiences and skills, social interaction and fe...

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