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Paisley Tango

Paisley Tango Logo

The world of Argentine Tango!

Learning this dance isn't just about fancy footwork; it's a mental and social adventure. First off, mentally, doing the Tango is like a stress-busting escape. You get so wrapped up in the steps and moves that it's like a mini-vacation from every day worries. Plus, it's all about being in the moment, giving your brain a break and boosting your mood.

It's like a dance therapy session!

Now, onto the social scene. Tango isn't a solo act; it's all about connection. The close embrace and fancy footwork create this unspoken language between you and your dance partner. It's like a conversation without words, which makes you a non-verbal communication pro. Plus, the Tango community is a friendly bunch – you meet people from all walks of life, forming connections beyond the dance floor. It's like joining a big, welcoming family.

Contact us for class information, ask for a Social Prescription via your doctor's surgery, or search online for your local prescriber.

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This is a Claimed organisation


Paisley Tango

This is a Claimed service
  • Renfrewshire

Argentine Tango lessons for health, social and cultural well-being. Private and group classes available.

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