Plot 26 community Herb Garden
Plot 26 Community Herb Garden for learning collectively about the traditional medicinal uses of plants.
Last updated:
Navigate to each location using the following links below
2nd Friday of the month, 7-8pm (after gardening)
Come and learn directly from a plant by talking about
what we see, experience and feel while sitting with it
close to the full moon. We’ll explore ...
3rd Monday of the Month, 6-7:30pm
A guided sensory experience
drawing on our intuitive knowledge
and smell, taste and feel to learn
about the medicinal properties of a
p plant.
We meet every Friday 3-7pm, between March and October to tend to our community plot together. New volunteers always welcome.
We’ll have some gluten-free vegan food at 6pm.
Come and help run the plot...
Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Plot 26 community Herb Garden