S.T.A.R. Community Flat
The S.T.A.R. Flat is a Community Flat based in the Seaton area of Aberdeen and provides a range of services, support and classes for people living in the Seaton area.
The Flat is based at 14A Seaton Drive , Aberdeen, AB24 1UX
Phone number - 01224 524209
Opening hours - Monday - Thursday 10.00-2.00 Friday 9.30-2.00
Last updated:
Navigate to each location using the following links below
The St Machar Credit Union provides a banking and loan service from the flat.
Credit Union are available between 10-11 am on a Friday.
The S.T.A.R. Flat issues food vouchers that are accepted by city outlets that are run by the Trussell Trust.
Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with S.T.A.R. Community Flat