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Trust Jack Foundation

Trust Jack Foundation is dedicated to supporting young people to our older people who are socially isolated or have been identified as either suffering from a mental health illness or are at high risk of suffering from a mental health illness. We also offer support to anybody who supports someone with a mental health illness and we work to improve the emotional well-being and mental health of our local community and beyond, through health and well-being services, therapy, workshops and activities.
In 2021 we introduced a new range of children and young adult services known as Nova Project.

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This is a Claimed organisation

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Art Therapy

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire

Our Art Therapy is a small, closed group and is available by referral only.

Art therapy is a quiet, safe space for people to come who have a mental health illness or support someone with a mental hea...

Jack's Lads

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire

Jack’s Lads is a men only support group. All men aged 18 and over are welcome to attend. The support is mainly tailored to the issues of:



mental health issues


Knit N Natter

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire

Knit n Natter is a fantastic group where you can meet new people and learn to knit or crochet. Our group is open to every and all ages and from beginner to expert.

You can get involved in helping ot...

Ladies Support Group

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire

Ladies support group is for anyone (over the age of 18) suffering from a range of mental health conditions such as depression, stress, anxiety, bipolar disorder, social anxiety, personality disorders, self...

Listening Ear

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire

Sometimes things can just become very over- whelming and you just need someone to talk to.

Our “Listening Ear” service or “Active Listening” as it is also known is an opportunity to talk for 20 mins....

Nova Natter - Young Person Support Group

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire

Trust Jack Foundation supports children & young people by offering a range of tailored youth services from Nova Project to help promote good mental health and tackle social isolation.

Nova Natter...

Talking Therapy

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire

Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than to relatives or friends. During talking therapy, someone listens to you and helps you find your own answers to problems, without judging you.


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