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West Lothian Violence against Women and Girls Partnership (WLVAWG)

The West Lothian Gender Based Violence Committee is a multi-agency partnership which co-ordinates and supports professionals who work in the third sector and statutory agencies, tackles a range of issues, including domestic abuse, coercive control, prostitution, human trafficking, rape and sexual assault.

The guiding principles which underpin the work of the West Lothian Gender Based Violence Committee are:

Prevention - to prevent, remove or diminish the risk of violence against women and its impact on children and young people

Protection - to protect women from victimisation, repeat victimisation or harassment by perpetrators and protect the children and young people affected

Provision - to provide adequate services to deal with the consequences of violence against women and children to help them rebuild their lives

Participation - to ensure policy making and practice development around violence against women is shaped by the experiences, needs and views of those who use services.

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West Lothian Violence against Women and Girls Partnership (WLVAWG)

  • West Lothian

a multi-agency partnership which tackles a range of issues, including domestic abuse, coercive control, prostitution, human trafficking, rape and sexual assault.

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