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Last reviewed: 25/09/2023

BefriendingGALE is a volunteer befriending service available in our area through the fantastic partnership between Highland Hospice Helping Hands and GALE Action Forum.

Each person has their own volunteer befriender who visits as little as 30 minutes per week, and this enables the person, their family and/or carers to get to know the volunteer. Building this connection is at the heart of this service.

Anyone resident in Gairloch, Loch Ewe Area, Ullapool and Garve can access the service.

Individuals and family members may self-refer to BefriendingGALE. Once your referral is received we will arrange a time to chat about what the service can offer you.


Navigate to each location using the following links below

  • Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh

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Mental Health

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