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Teen Club

Delivered by: FARE Scotland
Last reviewed: 25/01/2024

The Teen Club at Fare runs twice a week on a Tuesday and Thursday evening between the hours of 6.30pm-8.30pm. The young people from the local community come to enjoy a wide range of activities which include games, quizzes, pool, table tennis, badminton, dancing, PlayStation, arts and crafts, cooking, movie nights, Xmas parties and trips.

Our amazing partnership with the local college (Glasgow Kelvin), give the local young people the chance to access qualifications whilst utilising IT Suite at Fare. GKC also provide free sessions for us at Pinkston Water Complex where they learn how to kayak, canoe and paddle board. Our staff and young people have recently taken the plunge in January 2023 to try 'cold water therapy'. They have been learning about the benefits to their health and wellbeing whilst competing against one another to increase their times in the water.


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Exercise and Get Fit
Outdoor Activity
Hobbies and Games
Social Group
Youth Group
Children and Young People - 13 to 19

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