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Rob Roy ABC

Delivered by: Rob Roy ABC
Last reviewed: 19/03/2024

We provide a range of activities including boxing coaching, junior and senior boxing sessions, fitness classes, women's class.

We are open from 09.30 to 12.30 and 17.00 - 20.30 Monday to Friday for boxing coaching, box fitness sessions, circuit training and personal training. Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 17.00 - 18.30 mixed box fitness sessions, circuit training and personal training. Ladies Box Fitness Classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 18.30 - 19.30.Bootcamp is on Saturday mornings from 09.00 - 10.00.


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567 Broomfield Road, Glasgow, G21 3HW

Physical Activity
Community Resources
Community Centre
Community Empowerment
Safe Spaces
Children and Young People
Older Adults
Parents and Families

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