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Activities for Young People in Blantyre

Delivered by: Terminal One
Last reviewed: 22/06/2020

For young people aged 8 years to 25 years old.
Managed by the Blantyre Youth Development Team, Terminal One has a committed and hard working management committee made up from the young people from the surrounding area. With a diverse range of activities, the project provides a first class opportunity for young people to develop themselves through a host of avenues.

Located in Blantyre on the outskirts of Glasgow in Scotland, the project is an excellent example of a good youth work provision with a wide and varied programme of activities available to all.
Opened Monday to Friday
Mon, Wed & Thurs 11.30am - 9.30pm
Tuesday 10.00am - 9.30pm
Friday 11.30am - 3.30pm


Navigate to each location using the following links below

  • South Lanarkshire

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Physical Activity
Social Activity
Children and Families
Youth Group

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