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Phoenix Community Centre

Last reviewed: 12/12/2023

The Phoenix Community Centre helps support and encourage positive re-engagement and will provide access to resources specifically targeted at the needs of the community. We want to break the pattern of the 'Glasgow Effect' by encouraging participation in a wide range of activities which will help people in Easterhouse.

The Centre is open to all irrespective of background etc. We aim to engage with all ages, encouraging and promoting social cohesion.

Currently in the centre we facilitate a pensioners club which meets once a week, a children's special needs group 'The Sunshine Club', which meets twice a week and a Women's Centre which operates Tuesday - Friday. There are two squash and racket ball courts available for hire, a small cafe area and half size pool and snooker tables. A table tennis club will be starting soon, and the boxing club starts at the end of July. There are also a range of Yoga classes available catering for mothers and toddlers through to pensioners.


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Phoenix Community Centre, 5 Shandwick Street, Glasgow, G34 9BN

Women's Health
Social Activity
Hobbies and Games
Social Group
Additional Support Needs
Parent and Toddler Group
Community Hall
Children and Young People
Older Adults
Parents and Families

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