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The People's Pantry

Delivered by: The People's Pantry
Last reviewed: 21/12/2022

Members pay £3.50 to join for the year, and can then do a weekly shop for £2.50, which supplies a minimum of £15 worth of goods. We stock a range of fresh food and store cupboard items, a selection of toiletries and household cleaning products, and free sanitary items.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 13:00 - 16:00pm and Wednesday 14:30-17:30 and Friday 10:00 to 13:00.

Anyone who lives within the G41 and G42 postcodes can apply to be a member. Joining involves filling in an application form. We also need to see a form of photo ID (e.g. a passport, driving licence, bus card), and a proof of address (e.g. an electric or council tax bill). If you don't have access to these please get in touch to discuss other options.


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Food and Nutrition
Community Food Shops

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