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Last reviewed: 07/03/2024

Creating a sense of wellbeing and relaxation

Releasing stagnant energy, blockages and emotion

Increasing energy, clarity and vitality (beneficial for insomnia, CFS, ME)

Encouraging your system to rebalance and heal itself

Mitigating adrenal fatigue and stress

Relieving of muscle pain, tension and sport injuries

Relieving headaches and other aches and pains

Alleviating arthritis pain

Balancing menstrual, menopausal and hormonal issues

Promoting efficient digestion and easing IBS

Stimulating circulation and respiration efficiency

Relieving sinus congestion, asthma and the effects of allergies

Removing toxins from the body

  • Moray

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Children and Families
Children and Young People
Disabled People
Ethnic Minorities
LGBTQ+ Community
Older Adults
Parents and Families
People Experiencing Homelessness
People Experiencing Unemployment
People Living with Long Term Conditions
Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Unpaid Carers
Care Experienced People

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