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Kilmarnock Visually Impaired Social Group

Last reviewed: 07/03/2024

The Kilmarnock Visually Impaired Social Group in East Ayrshire has a clear and meaningful purpose: to provide essential support and services to visually impaired individuals within the community. Our organization aims to combat feelings of isolation and enhance the overall well-being of our members by fostering a strong sense of community and inclusivity.

Through various activities and gatherings, we create opportunities for our members to connect with others facing similar challenges, allowing them to share experiences, knowledge, and emotional support. Our weekly recordings of local news, events, and activities serve as a vital source of information, keeping our members engaged and connected to the broader community.

Additionally, we prioritize staying up-to-date with the latest technology and equipment to improve the accessibility and quality of our services.


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  • East Ayrshire

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Mental Health
Blind / Visual Impairment
Blind / Visual Impairment

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