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East Ayrshire Housing Options

Last reviewed: 26/02/2024

The Housing Options service offers assistance through a wide range of support and advice. Below are just a few of the services we provide:

referral services to other agencies

housing rights information and advice

leaflets on a large selection of housing and related topics The service offers completely confidential and impartial advice and information for all residents with East Ayrshire .We also offer the following facilities:trained staff

accompanied interviews (a friend or relative may sit in on your telephone interview) same sex interviews (you can request that your interview is with someone of the same sex) interpreters (if your first language is not English we can arrange for an interpreter to attend your interview)We aim to improve the quality and accessibility of housing information and advice across East Ayrshire through the implementation of the Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice


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  • East Ayrshire

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Housing and Homelessness
Housing Advice
Housing Support

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