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Weekly conservation volunteering Logo

Weekly conservation volunteering

Last reviewed: 28/03/2024

After the successful purchase of the Douglas Support Estate for the community and environment, we need volunteers to help with managing the greenspace and improving the area.

We have weekly opportunities every Wednesday, from 10 - 2, led by our experienced ranger. Tools and PPE are provided, as well as hot drinks and snacks.

Other opportunities are posted on our Facebook and Instagram as part of our monthly activity timetables so please give us a follow.

Come along, get stuck in, learn some new skills, and do some good in the outdoors!


Navigate to each location using the following links below

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Community Resources
Nature and Wildlife Preservation
Green Spaces
Natural Environment
Public Parks and Gardens
Grass, trees in the background. A silver storm kettle with steam pouring from it, it is sitting on a wooden slatted table.
Two volunteers bending over carrying out tree planting in an orchard.


A storm kettle brewing to provide volunteers with hot drinks after a morning of hedge planting.
Two volunteers carrying out tree planting in the orchard.

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