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Trans Counselling

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: LGBT Health and Wellbeing This is a Claimed organisation
Last reviewed: 08/08/2023

A donation-based counselling service for trans and non-binary people (16+) in Glasgow.

We offer 11 weekly sessions with a counsellor trained on trans identities and issues.

You can self-refer or be referred by a health/social care professional. Visit our website to fill in a referral form, or phone or email us to start the referral process.

Please be aware that the service is very busy and it will take time to be seen for an intake appointment and to be allocated to a counsellor. The more flexible you can be in terms of your availability the quicker we are likely to find you a slot. Once you are started, you will have 11 consecutive weekly sessions.


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  • Glasgow City

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LGBTQ+ Health

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