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Bipolar Edinburgh

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Bipolar Edinburgh provides information, peer support and self-management guidance to anyone affected by bipolar, at no cost. ​ We believe that no one should face life with bipolar alone. Our goal is to ...

Forth Valley Disability Sport

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Our mission is to address the challenge to offer sporting opportunities and physical activities to individuals with a physical, sensory or intellectual disability within the Forth Valley area. Encourage more ...

Diamonds in the Community

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Diamonds in the Community is a charity set up to better the lives of those living in our community. We provide projects that improve opportunities for social inclusion, and better physical health as well a...

Cycling Scotland

Cycling Scotland is the nation’s cycling organisation. Working with others, we help create and deliver opportunities and an environment so anyone anywhere in Scotland can cycle easily and safely.

Cycling UK

Our mission at Cycling UK is to enable millions more to cycle. As an independent, democratic and expert organisation, our activities reflect the commitment of our members, volunteers and partners to make cycl...

Voice of Experience Forum

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Voice of Experience Forum is a registered charity which operates throughout North Lanarkshire as the champion and representative voice of older people. Our vision is for older people to have a good quality o...

Caberfeidh Horizons

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A vibrant Social Enterprise working with adults & young people. We provide training, work experience and social opportunities to increase confidence, health, life skills and community involvement. We also hav...

The Leprosy Mission Scotland

The Leprosy Mission Scotland is a member of a global partnership bringing healing and justice to people affected by leprosy. We work across Scotland to inspire, educate and enable individuals, churches, sch...

Tweeddale Youth Action

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Universal youth project, offering free open access youth work through drop-in sessions, trips away, skills based learning programmes and structured group work.


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OutLET is a Social Enterprise that provides inclusive outdoor programmes. We work with the local authority, community groups, schools, and families.OutLET accepts all children and young people exactly as they...

Heather Lodge CIC

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Arran's centre for complementary therapies. At Heather Lodge ‘holistic’ is taken to mean treatment of the whole person, including social and emotional factors, rather than just the symptoms of disease. A wide...

Action Kidney Cancer

We are a special type of cancer charity, founded and managed by cancer patients. As patients, we know it’s important to have access to the very best information and practical support. When you join our commun...

Blood Cancer UK

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We research, we support, we care. Because it’s time to beat leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and all types of blood cancer. We're a community dedicated to beating blood cancer by funding research and supportin...

Anthony Nolan

Anthony Nolan is the charity that makes lifesaving connections between patients in need and incredible strangers ready to donate their stem cells. We're giving families a future by: Growing the stem cel...


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We’re a Scottish charity dedicated to raising awareness about testicular cancer. We’re here to shout the benefits of education and self-checks! Early detection means more effective treatment. Regular check...

Brain Tumour Research

Our Vision To find a cure for all types of brain tumours Our Mission To increase the UK investment in brain tumour research Brain tumours kill more children and adults unde...

The Brain Tumour Charity

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The Brain Tumour Charity is the world’s leading brain tumour charity and the largest dedicated funder of research into brain tumours globally. Committed to saving and improving lives, we’re moving further,...

Kidney Cancer Scotland

Welcome to Kidney Cancer Scotland, The country's leading kidney cancer charity. We seek to reduce the harm caused by kidney cancer by increasing knowledge and awareness, providing patient information and by s...