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Haddo House & Country Park

For over 500 years Haddo House was home to one family, the Gordons, who changed Haddo from a boggy valley into a stunning designed landscape of water, trees, fields and gardens. Now owned and managed by Aberdeenshire Council and the National Trust for Scotland, Haddo House & Country Park is one of the most popular attractions in the north east. A day out at Haddo has something for everyone. You can take a guided tour of Haddo House, discover the beautiful terraced gardens, walk for miles in the country park or let the kids burn off some energy in our adventure playground. Wildlife watchers can visit our two birdwatching hides and red squirrel feeding station, or spend the summer exploring our extensive wild flower meadows.Haddo is also home to a vibrant local arts scene with a choral and operatic society, children’s choirs and a children’s musical theatre group all based or regularly performing on site.

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Haddo Country Park, Gardens & Adventure Playground

The Country Park at Haddo offers a range of facilities for visitors. Entry to the Haddo Country Park and adventure playground is free. Open 7 days a week, dawn till dusk.

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