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Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre

Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre Logo

We are LRCC and we are the Rape Crisis Centre for Lanarkshire. Our specialist service delivers emotional, practical and justice advocacy support to women and girls (12ys+) who have been subjected to any form of sexual violence no matter how long ago it happened. We can also offer individual crisis support and advocacy services to all survivors (12yrs+).
We deliver Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Programmes in Lanarkshire Secondary Schools, work with partner organisations to train staff and we raise awareness of sexual violence across the local community.

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This is a Claimed organisation

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Individual Support Service

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire
  • North Lanarkshire

LRCC offers person centred one-one support sessions for women and girls (over 12yrs) who have, at any time, been subjected to any form of sexual abuse or violence.

Justice Advocacy Service

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire
  • North Lanarkshire

Support to anyone subjected to a form of sexual violence or abuse who is considering or has reported to the police; advocating on your behalf throughout any justice process, including giving evidence.

Prevention Work

This is a Claimed service
  • South Lanarkshire
  • North Lanarkshire

Sexual Violence Prevention Services facilitated in schools, colleges, universities and the community to educate and empower people to prevent sexual violence, harassment and abuse.

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