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School Nursing Service East Ayrshire

Last reviewed: 15/11/2023

The school nurse prioritises the health and wellbeing of school age children with identified needs. Working in partnership with the wider multi-disciplinary team, the school nurse will assess for any unmet health and safety needs and contribute to the Child’s Assessment and Plan as part of the team around the child/family (TAC/TAF). The School Nursing Service aims to promote health and wellbeing and encourages children and young people to make healthy lifestyle choices. We support children and young people who are Care experienced, children with Mental Health and well-being needs, complex health needs, learning disabilities, child protection, children who are living in a substance using household, young carers and children who are experiencing domestic abuse at home.

  • East Ayrshire

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Health and Social Care Services
Children and Families
Children and Young People - 5 to 25
Parents and Families

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